Friday, August 29, 2008

All for a Dollar

For the longest time I've always thought coupons were a waist of time and effort and not worth any savings... and a lot of times that is still true. For years I've curiously watched the crazy coupon clippers of the world. I'd be amazed at how much effort my SIL, Paula would put into it, and come home with bags and bags full of toiletries, and only a few dollars gone from her pocket. I still just thought it's something I can't do. Every time I'd get a coupon in hand, ready to use, I'd find I could buy the same thing in a different brand for less.

I recently discovered couponing is like a cult! There are some crazy smart shoppers out there. Take Christine at Crazy Coupons for example, who spends just pennies and bring home the same amount I spend hundreds on! Seriously- she got ALL of this for just $0.18

I've decided I've been inspired and will give it a try. It's a little discouraging though, looking at all these smart shoppers' blogs. They go to store after store after store. I myself, am usually just a one stop shopper, making Super Walmart my go-to place for nearly everything. It's hard to hit multiple stores in one week when you don't have a car to yourself all week, and usually have to shop with a cranky 2 yr old.
Today was my second try at CVS'ing... another cult all in itself..... I was awfully proud of myself! I got all this for only $1.03!!!

It seriously amazes me. It did take quite a bit longer in the store and some advance planning to accomplish this, but still! I'm sure if I just keep at it I'll get the hang of it more. I'm so proud of myself!